I hope to one day pay back and forward all the fortune afforded me in this life.
I hope I never figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and instead grow into who I am.
I hope to be the change I wish to see in the world.
I hope to continue to be inspired and inspire others.
I hope I never forget that my inner child is always within reach.
I hope I keep my eyes open for every opportunity to grow and learn.
I hope I keep my ears open for anyone who needs to be heard.
I hope I keep my heart open so that I might love with every fiber of my being, every moment of every day until my last breath.
I hope to keep my soul open so that I might connect with whomever and whatever is out there to connect with.
I hope I can learn to afford myself the same graces others afford me.
I hope I never pass up an opportunity to learn either from myself or others.
I hope I remember both the impermanence of life and the fact that everything happens for a reason.
I hope even in my darkest moments, I can remember the gratitude in every moment.
I hope someday we can all see that our differences are actually complementary strengths.
I hope everyone reaches their full potential everyday.
I hope I never stop dreaming.
I hope I someday find the medium for which the creativity within me flows.
I hope I am as humble as is possible, and as gracious as the universe allows.
I hope that I live all of these hopes in my everyday life...