Crazy bitches. The subject keeps coming up, it's one that has baffled me for most of my life. Yes, I am a girl, but for the most part, I do not understand a majority of my gender. Being an only child and a self proclaimed daddy's girl, I have been a tom boy all my life. I preferred hot wheels and remote control cars to barbies, I liked playing in the dirt as opposed to serving tea, and I liked sports more than dance. In grade school I was friends with two girls, they were the most RUTHLESS bitches I have ever met. As soon as high school hit, and the pool of friends widened I dropped them (and most girls). I hate cattiness, I despise gossip, and most of all I really cannot stand back-stabbing- which eliminates most girls. So, most of my close friends have been boys- I have accrued a gaggle of 'older brothers' throughout my life- we are family, we are loyal and fiercely protective of one another. Since the marriage and family waves have hit, I see some of them less frequently, but friendship is not defined by face time.
I have happily welcomed most girlfriends and spouses- if the chick makes him happy, I am all for it. Some girlfriends and wives are cool with it, others are weird and jealous (for what reasons- I am unsure). But, in recent years I have watched several of my boys go through A LOT of shit because of whatever girl was in their lives. I have watched crazy custody battles with my friends fighting for their rights as fathers, completely fucked up divorces, I have seen financial turmoil bubble up, simmer over, and explode. But most of all, I have seen some pretty awesome, sincere, genuine, dudes get fucked over because suddenly the chick becomes a loose cannon with no regard for anyone but herself. And it makes me angry.
What happens to these girls to make them crazy bitches? Trust, I get that we all have our own terrible moments, but what makes someone wake up one day and say- you know what? I don't want to do this anymore. I get that people change, relationships end, life goes on. But what makes someone become so ugly? So mean and vindictive? What happens to turn an adult into a child? Why do people think that it is okay to decide- well, I am discontent and unhappy, so I am going to make sure everyone else is too? At what point do these bitches wake up and become adults?! Or maybe they don't. Maybe they will spend their whole lives always wanting what they do not have, running around- wreaking havoc on the lives of those around them... I really don't know.
What I do know is that it doesn't have to be that way. Break ups can happen without nasty interactions. People can part ways and be cool with one another- maybe not best friends, but they can be amicable instead of hateful. Unfortunately, it takes two to make it happen. Most of my friends who have gone through this have done so with an amazing amount of grace and dignity, considering how the other party acted. And for that, I give them props. I give any person (guy or girl) props who can see past the end of their fucking nose to realize that nothing has to be dramatic and ridiculous. That no matter what, there are other people in your life besides YOU!
I get angsty when I have to stand by and watch shitty things happening in the lives of good people. I know they will make it through, and will probably be better people for it in the long run, but damn it- why can't we reverse that paradigm and watch shitty things happen in the lives of assholes?! I know, that statement is a bit vindictive in and of itself, and I really don't wish actual harm on anyone, but sometimes I think a little gulp of their own medicine would be nice.
And, for the record, although I have been burned by some crazy bitches myself, I do not hate all girls. There have been a few in my life who have showed me that I am not the only non-crazy bitch. There is a glimmer of hope in the vast wasteland that I sometimes feel is the female gender- in fact, it could be that we are the silent majority. I suppose crazy bitches and bad boys make for better conversation. But sometimes, at least in my case, I need to be reminded that they are not all crazy bitches and dumbass dudes. There are good people out there, we just need to stick together. So, to all my friends who have had their struggles with crazy bitches and dumbass dudes- not everyone is a card carrying certified nut-case, or a stupid, selfish, son-of-a-bitch.
It's not about superior morality. We all have our flaws and fucked up things we do. It's about holding the interest of yourself equal to the interests of others in your life. It is not hard to just stop for a minute and think about how what you are doing may impact the lives of others. Do we all make mistakes? HELL YES. Do we have to be an asshole every waking moment? No. It is simple- live your life, own your shit, and treat the people in your life with a little respect. I vowed some time ago to be as vocal as possible about crazy bitches. I refuse to consign stupid behavior with silence. Am I going to personally confront every person I think to be a crazy bitch? No, but I will keep living by example. I am not special or perfect, but I am honest and up front, something a few crazy bitches I know could stand to learn.