Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome welcome

I guess the welcome is more for myself than anyone else- well, this blog is really more for me than anyone else.  I have thought about blogging for a long time...I journal all the time-in a stream of consciousness kind of way... but I always considered blogging to be a bit too self absorbed- Like who gives a shit what I am thinking and further more would want to read it?  Then I started following a couple of my friend's blogs and realized that I really enjoyed reading them, I also realized that writing in a space where the only person that will ever read it is me makes it kind of a cop-out...

It just seems as if so much has been happening...shifting...changing in my life that I can do nothing but write it down to get it out of my head.  I joke about having an artist trapped inside my body for which I have no medium to express myself...maybe this will help me in that arena. 

I like to think that I am a pretty honest person.  I like to think that I am fairly honest with myself and others...although I am probably more honest with others than I should be and less honest with myself then I need to be.  So, I guess this is my public way of getting honest with myself!  This will be a fine (and scary) experiment in practicing what I preach.  So, away I sail on this yet another route of my personal journey...