Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is it?

Since I am currently a grad-school-drop-out-laze-about, with no apparent plans or goals for my life, I think it may be time to set at least a few short term goals.  Being that I do have a touch of the commitment-phobia, these are not earth shattering, but I think they will go a long way toward me becoming a little more independent and hopefully a little less commitment-phobic.  Baby steps, chica. Baby steps.  So, here we go-

This summer it is my goal to-

  • Figure out how to start the mother fucking lawn mower all by myself.
  • Learn how to ride a motorcycle and own one by at least next summer. I feel like knowing how to ride a motorcycle is one of those life skills I should have... like swimming or driving a standard.
  • Learn how to change my own oil.  Another life skill I think I must have.
  • Step out of my comfort zone, this should be fairly easy, since most of my comfort zone will be moving before summer's end- and the second part of that- MEET NEW PEOPLE!
  • Develop the skills to read and understand astrological charts... this will probably be a lifetime goal, but I do aim to keep at it.
  • Find a job that I enjoy and that actually pays me what I am worth.  Vacation time and health insurance a must. Time to grow up and be a big girl.  Money may not be everything, but it means a whole lot when you don't have it!
  • Commit to what it is that I want in life.  Not that I will have it all figured out, but I need to grow some balls and own what it is that I want- or it will never happen.
  • Let go of the stuff, people and situations I allow to bring me down.  In other words, practice reminding myself about the impermanence of life. The less attachment to that stuff the better.
  • Obtain at least one great piece of art.
  • Either get my bike working or get a new one all together.
  • And, finally, there are three places I must go in the next year- Florida, California, and Montanna.
So, there.  That is a start, they are in no particular order, and I plan to check off as I achieve.  Feel free to razz me about the list, I welcome the reminders! In all seriousness though, it's time for a bit of self discipline.  Aint nobody gunna make things happen in my life but me, and that is what it is.