Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Coming Soon: The Crazy Cafe

For some time now, I have been thinking about diving into a second blog.  Not that I am abandoning this one,  this will still be the space where I babble on about my wonders of human happenings.  But I have been thinking about starting a food blog... I know, how many food blogs are out there right? I am pretty sure the number hovers around eleventy billion... and I would never profess to have a newfangled idea... I am not looking to change the face of food blogging or make crazy waves.  I just thought it would be nice to have a space to keep record both of what I cook and eat. 

I will admit to not being the savviest blogger... this is part of the reason I have pussy-footed around launching a new blog. I don't know how to put fancy piktars up or to use links or any of that technological stuff that remains an enigma to me.  I am NOT my father's daughter when it comes to technology... my dad is a technological geek--and don't get me wrong--I LOVE him for that (that, and a trillion other things of course), but- having that sort of assistance at my finger tips has made me a bit of a nit wit when it comes to all things technology related.  Hell, I quit taking pictures on my camera when I realized they wouldn't just beam to my computer.  I didn't even begin really using email until a few years ago... I have crashed EVERY computer I have ever owned.  At almost every place I have been employed I am eventually banned from using the copier.  I cannot make the DVD player work without assistance from my young and savvy roomie.  Alright, I think you get the picture.

SO anyway... I have been a little gun shy about the food blog, but I think it is time.  I would say cooking is one of two mediums I have for expressing myself (the second being writing, hence the willy nilly blogging:), and I suppose it is time to give the other medium it's due.  So, it will for sure be a work in progress, but I hope to have it launched in the next few weeks... the basic idea is that I will post about things I am cooking as well as reviewing any cool places I eat... I am hoping that by posting what I am cooking it will help me to become a more disciplined cook... BAHAHA! Who am I kidding? Let's just see if I can launch the damned thing first, then I can make lofty goals and promises that I may or may not fulfill!